Thinking about adding healthcare navigation to your benefits plan?

Independent healthcare navigation can greatly benefit your valued employees, your HR staff and your bottom line. But not all navigation companies are created equal.

Only Quantum Health is built to leap ahead.

Quantum Health Spring Leap

Because of the unique way we’re structured, our navigation begins an average of 120 days earlier than everyone else.

While others wait for a claim to be processed, we leap into action at the first sign of a health issue. Quantum Health’s Best Practices in Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Navigation white paper outlines how earlier intervention significantly reduces the costs of healthcare.

Quantum Health Healthcare Navigation White Paper
Quantum Health Effect Infographic

We leap beyond expectations in clinical outcomes and cost savings.

We make your investment pay off by consistently delivering ROI that can’t be matched by anyone else.

We have the built-in power of data insights + compassionate care.

We leap ahead of problems to make the system feel simpler and the experience feel better. Because, in the words of our founder, that’s our job.

Let's Talk

For earlier intervention, deeper engagement and remarkable ROI, see for yourself how Quantum Health is built differently to help you leap ahead.